Interaction Checker

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Suggest a Drug

If there is a drug that you would like to see added to the comedication list, please complete this form.

Suggestions will be considered by the website team and prioritised for inclusion where appropriate. Please note that we do not guarantee that all suggestions will be added to the website, nor can we indicate a timescale for the addition of any new drugs.

Our details


Liverpool Drug Interactions Group

c/o Sara Gibbons

University of Liverpool

3rd Floor William Henry Duncan Building

6 West Derby Street

Liverpool, L7 8TX

Awards and commendations
bma-foundation-for-medical-research british-medical-journal-2018 queens_aniversary_prize_2017 rcp-excellence-patient-care-awards-2017
building_better_healthcare_awards_2016 healthline-best-HIV-and-AIDS-apps-of-2016